US Army Reaches for the Sky to Solve Communication Needs Some of the Group of 7 leaders during a NATO summit in Brussels in March. julio 23,8:15 AM By admin In Military
Face it, NATO: The North Atlantic and Indo-Pacific are Linked Finance ministers from these countries also discussed ways to keep pressure on Russia while minimizing the blowback to … julio 23,8:05 AM By admin In Military
Russians Seize 42 Towns in Eastern Ukraine as Fighting Intensifies Bombs struck shopping and residential areas on Friday afternoon in the Saltivka neighborhood of Kharkiv, Ukraine. julio 20,10:21 AM By admin In Military
As China Rattles Sabers, Taiwan Asks: Are We Ready for War? Civilians participating in a battle simulation during a combat medic training workshop near Taipei in May. julio 20,8:11 AM By admin In Military